SPACE - Library 2 - Volume 1.iso
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447 lines
ON_LINE.DOC 1.0 OCT. 1992
NOTE: These programs need to be on a HARD DRIVE to run.
The purpose of these programs is to provide an editable On Line
manual for GFA BASIC.
These programs will run in ST high & ST medium.
These programs will run on ATARI ST, ATARI MEGA STe, ATARI TT
computers. And on TOS 2.06
After UnArcing ON_LINE.ARC there should be 4 files.
1. ON_LINE.DOC 1.0 - This text file.
2. ON_LINE.ACC 1.0 - The On Line accessory.
3. CREATEON.PRG 1.0 - The program that initially creates the
random access file ( ********.RAN ). And
does other stuff also.
4. MANUAL.TXT 1.0 - The On Line manual in text file form.
Quick Start - For those in the crowd that would like to get
started right away. Copy ON_LINE.ACC to directory C:\
Copy CREATEON.PRG to your hard drive (anywhere). Run
CREATEON.PRG You may be able to figure it out from
Slow but sure start - Read this file.
CREATEON.PRG - Pull down menu.
Desk Me - CreateOn - a note about who wrote the programs.
Random Me - Create Random Access File - the random access file
is made up of pages (records). The size of the page is
up to the user - you. The size of the page is configurable
from 15 to 79 characters horizontally. 5 to 20 characters
vertically. And there may be 100 to 1000 pages in the
random access file. The random access file size will be
shown and then the user will be given a choice to create
the file or not. If there is not enough space on the
hard drive to create the file an alert box will let the
user know. The random access file can be anywhere on the
hard drive and can be named anything. If the extension
.RAN is left off it will be added for the user. The file
C:\ON_LINE.DAT will also be created at this time. This
file contains data that ON_LINE.ACC will use. ON_LINE.DAT
must stay in the root directory on C:\ drive. Also if
at anytime the user wants to mess around with these files
make a copy and mess with the copy. It is almost guaranteed
that if these files are altered the programs will not run
correctly. Recommended beginning random access file size -
79 characters horizontal, 20 characters vertical, 300 pages.
Random Me - Add to .RAN from a Text File - select a text file
and the pages (records) there in will be added to the
random access file. Duplicates will not be added.
MANUAL.TXT should be the first text file added to the
random access file. The pages (records) in the Text file
must be separated by "*****" At least 5 asterisk in a row.
Look at MANUAL.TXT for a better idea.
Random Me - Create a Text File from .RAN - this selection
will generate a text file from the random access file.
The pages (records) will be alphabetically sorted.
This is a good way to make a back up of the random access
file. Also this is the method that will be used to
transfer an On Line manual when new versions of these
programs are released.
Random Me - Append a Text File from .RAN - an existing
text file will be appended from the random access file.
The pages (records) added will be in alphabetical order.
Random Me - Absolute - .RAN to Text File - a text file will
be generated from the random access file sequentially.
It is possible for pages (records) to get lost in the
random access file. This is a way to recover that
information. The pages will not be in alphabetical
Random Me - Call ON_LINE.PRG - ON_LINE.ACC may be renamed to
run as a program. If there is enough free RAM and if
ON_LINE.PRG is in the same directory as CREATEON.PRG
ON_LINE.PRG may be run from CREATEON.PRG
Random Me - Quit - quit the program.
ON_LINE.ACC - the On Line manual interface, runs in 44 K.
The options at the bottom of the screen are selected by
pressing the outlined letter in the respective word or
clicking on the word. For example to select Add - press
"a" or "A" on the keyboard or click directly on the word
Add - use this option to add a new page to the random access
file. The index of the page must be in the first line
and the first 15 characters. An addition might look
like this.
characters 123456789...
In the example the index is the word PRINT.
List an existing page for another example.
Modify - this is the way to modify an existing page. Select
a page to modify from the list of pages. Then modify it.
Delete - delete a page from the random access file. Select a
page to delete from the list of pages. The page will
be shown on the screen, then the user will have the option
to delete. Be sure because once it's gone it's history.
List - display a page to the screen. ON_LINE.ACC is
specifically designed to be called from the pull
down menu in GFA BASIC accessible by clicking on
(the ATARI symbol) at the top left of the editor
screen in GFA BASIC. This action leads us to the
output screen with a pull down menu at the top. If
the user Lists a page to the screen and then Quits
the page will be left on the output screen because
ON_LINE.ACC will not send a redraw to the program
that called it. So what was the exact syntax of
that command ? The paper manual is on the bookshelf.
Call ON_LINE.ACC, List the page to the screen, Quit,
go back to the editor. Now - the user can toggle back
and forth (if needed) from the editor to the List using
the Esc key. The List is still there.
⇧ (up arrow) - the list of pages can get pretty long so
this is the way to move around in the list. Move
alphabetically backward. Also the list of pages only
shows the first 8 characters of the index. 15 characters
are used by the program internally for comparisons.
⇩ (down arrow) - move alphabetically forward.
Quit - Return to the parent program (usually GFA BASIC).
The file ON_LINE.DAT maybe updated at this time -
if any significant changes have been made. So
if the user turns off power to the computer before
Quit - significant changes maybe lost. Significant
changes would be - an Add, a Delete, a Modify that
changes any characters with in the first 15 characters
of the first line of a record.
LF: #### of #### ###.## % - yes that's a mouth full.
Lets say there are 100 pages in the random access file
and 10 to them are full. The load factor line looks
like this. LF: 10 of 100 10.00 % Get the idea.
The load factor tells the user how full the random access
file is. If the load factor gets to be 80% or more create
a new random access file with more pages and transfer
the manual using a text file.
CAUTION - a word of caution. Although these programs have been
used and tested the user may want to back up the hard drive.
This is a good idea whether or not the user uses these
Credit - these programs were written in the United States using
GFA BASIC and DevpacST2. Assembly language was used to
speed up some of the routines - not that GFA is slow
but assembly is faster.
Share Ware - Support Share Ware and Public Domain programmers.
It's so easy to go about our business and forget that
someone spent hours designing a program for us to use.
They could have kept it to themselves. Often the
Share Ware & Public Domain programmers receive very
little thanks - Seriously. Don't count on some other
user to send in a check or thank you note. Every other
person is thinking the same thing you are - someone
else will do it.
For those users that do register I'll send you
four assembly routines on disk.
Routine 1 - pass in a horizontal (x) pixel number.
The routine will return the text row that
the pixel is located in.
Routine 2 - similar to Routine 1 except this one
works with the vertical (y) pixel number.
By using both of the above routines we can tell
which letter on the screen the user clicked on.
Routine 3 - pass in a horizontal (x) text row.
The routine will return the exact pixel
so that TEXT can be placed on the screen
in the same position as PRINT.
Routine 4 - similar to routine 3 except works
vertically (y).
Routines 3 and 4 work together to give us a LOCATE
command for the TEXT command.
These routines are written in 100% assembly code
using DevpacST2 and run at least 4 times faster
than their respective fully optimized GFA BASIC
counter parts. I'll show you how to use them
with GFA BASIC 2.0, and GFA BASIC 3.0 These
routines are compatible with ST high and ST
medium. Also an assembler is not required to
to use these routines
And how about a tutorial and programming example on
the subject of using random access files
and hashed random access files in GFA BASIC.
Bugs - yea, there are probably some still in there. If you run
into one let me know even if you aren't registered -
you will be doing everyone a favor.
The editor - The on line editor is not the best I know. Some
users may want to use a favorite word processor
for major editing of a text file and then add
the text file to the random access file.
But to get the most out of the existing editor
read up on the FORM INPUT n AS s$ command.
There is a rumor that an integrated word
processor is in the works.
These programs are Share Ware: $15
P.O. BOX 701
On Genie: C.HARVEY9
Homework - yea, you heard right HOMEWORK.
For this Homework you will be required to write
Procedures and Functions are very powerful tools that we can
use to write efficient programs. Once we know the concepts
we can then decide whether to use them or not. If we don't
know about the concepts or chose to not learn them then we
don't really have a choice of how to do things.
Procedures preform a task. They can change the values of
our variables if we allow them to or not. A good example
of a procedure is a routine that sorts an array.
example -
PROCEDURE sort(VAR an_array$())
' some clever code
In the first line of the example we call the Procedure sort
and we pass it the name of ANY string array we have previously
dimension. This is very powerful. We can use one section of
code to sort any number of arrays in a program. We don't have
to write 10 similar routines to sort 10 different string arrays.
This saves on program size. Also it gives us the ability to
write a section of code and then reuse it again in other programs.
In the first line of the procedure the word VAR gives the procedure
sort permission to change the values of the array passed to the
procedure. Arrays must be passed this way - whether we want to
give the procedure permission to change the values of the array
or not. When the computer gets to the RETURN at the end of
the procedure - program execution will continue with the line
following the procedure call.
Think of how GFA is set up. For instance the Sort commands,
these are procedures written in assembly that we can all use.
Every time we write a program we don't have to rewrite those
sort commands - they are already done for us. Pretty useful.
But many of the commands in GFA are functions.
Functions are similar to Procedures in that we pass variables
to them. And they also preform a task. But there are at least
2 big differences between procedures and functions. Functions
are designed to return one value, and functions may have more
than one RETURN.
Lets get right to an example. The command MIN() in
GFA is a function. We pass it a number of values (lets say 2)
and it returns a value - the lowest value. Lets write
our own @min() function.
PRINT @min(10,20)
FOR x=1 TO @min(10,number&)
Above are only 2 of the many ways to call the function min()
FUNCTION min(value1,value2)
IF value1 <= value2 THEN
RETURN value1
RETURN value2
More than one return - this gives us a lot of room.
So we can write our own commands using the existing base of
commands in GFA. But first there are two
concepts that we need to discuss in detail.
PROCEDURE some_thing
LOCAL number,string$
LOCAL flag!
' some code
The variables - number, string$, and flag! are local variables.
They are local to the PROCEDURE some_thing.
FUNCTION add(x,y,z)
In this example the value of the sum on the first line will
not change when the LOCAL sum value becomes 6 because
the sum inside the FUNCTION is LOCAL to the FUNCTION add.
If variables are not LOCAL they are by default GLOBAL.
Ok. VAR - gives the procedure permission to change the
value of a variable.
PROCEDURE example(x,y,z,the_sum)
In the above example we want to change the value of sum
but it's not going to happen because we did not use VAR.
This is a difficult error to find. Everything looks
great, the value is being changed right there in the
PROCEDURE. Watch out for that one.
PROCEDURE example(x,y,z,VAR the_sum)
Now the PROCEDURE will work.
OK. The homework is:
1. Write a FUNCTION that accepts 5 numbers and RETURNs
the MIN value. The call might look like this.
PRINT @min(a,b,c,d,e)
2. Write a FUNCTION similar to #1 but RETURNs the max value.
3. Write a FUNCTION that RETURNs the absolute value of a
number. The call might look like this.
PRINT @absolute_value(number)
4. Write a FUNCTION that inserts a string into a second string
without overwriting any characters in the second string.
Also the user gives the position in the second string
that the first string will be inserted.
The call might look like this.
PRINT @insert$("new_part","insert_in_this_string",4)
5. Write a FUNCTION similar to UPPER$("characters").
In other words write a FUNCTION that changes
lower case letters in a string to upper case letters.
The call might look like this.
PRINT @upper_case("any characters @=!*!(")
6. Write a FUNCTION that changes upper case letters in a
string to lower case letters.
The call might look like this.
PRINT @lower_case("Any Characters @=!*!(")
When doing the homework don't cheat by using the obvious
basic command.
Registered Users - go ahead and do the homework - send it to
me in the mail. I'll grade it and let you know how you did.
If any problems in the assignment were missed I'll give you
the solutions.
These are good practice but we would not want to use 1-3,5
in a real program because they would be slower then their
GFA BASIC counter parts.
Sorry, no extra credit this time.
Atari, ST, are copyrights of Atari Corporation.
All other products mentioned are copyright and/or trademark of their
respective holders.